The purpose of the APPG on Fatherhood is to promote the well - being of children by ensuring that legal and policy frameworks keep up with the changing nature of family life and that legislation encourages active and responsible fatherhood.

The Joint secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fatherhood are Working with men & The Fathers Development Foundation.


All Party Parliamentary Group on Fatherhood 

Register of All-party Groups As at 20th March 2018


Title  Name  Party
David Lammy /Steve Double
Vice - Chairs 

David Linden MP

Jim Shannon MP

Fiona Bruce MP




Secretaries                    Andrew Selous MP



Government Party  Main Opposition Party Other

Steve Double MP

Andrew Selous MP

Jim Shannon MP

Fione Bruce MP

David Lammy 

David Linden MP

The Importance of a Father in a Child’s Life.

The importance of a father in a child's life is often times stated as the reason why children do not grow up to be happy, healthy adults. The fact is that most children learn from their father and experience the normal development pattern in their lives. The primary goal for any father should be the upbringing of his child. The child will learn all that he can learn from his parents as they experience life together. The main role according to best essay writing services that the father has in his child's life is the loving support and guidance that he gives from his own experience.

A father plays a vital role in a child's life, contributing to their overall development, emotional well-being, and self-esteem. Fathers are not only providers but also role models, nurturers, and confidants, offering a unique and irreplaceable form of love and support. This article will discuss the importance of a father in a child's life, emphasizing the various ways they impact their children's growth and well-being.

1. Emotional Development: Fathers have a significant influence on their children's emotional development. They provide security and stability, allowing children to feel safe and nurtured. When children experience a loving and caring relationship with their father, they develop a strong sense of self-worth and are better equipped to handle emotional challenges.

2. Cognitive Development: Fathers play a crucial role in their children's cognitive development. They encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills by engaging their children in stimulating activities and conversations. By fostering a love for learning and an inquisitive mindset, fathers help their children excel academically and develop essential life skills.

3. Social Development: A father's involvement in a child's life greatly impacts their social development. Fathers serve as role models, teaching their children essential social skills such as communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. Children who have strong relationships with their fathers are more likely to develop healthy social relationships and have a better understanding of appropriate behavior in various social situations.

4. Gender Role Development: Fathers play a crucial role in shaping their children's understanding of gender roles. By demonstrating respect and equality towards their partners, fathers teach their sons to treat women with dignity and respect. Conversely, they also teach their daughters about self-respect and the importance of healthy relationships. Fathers who model positive gender roles help to break down stereotypes and promote gender equality.

5. Encouragement and Support: Fathers offer a unique form of encouragement and support to their children. They often instill confidence, motivation, and resilience by challenging their children to take risks and face adversity. Fathers who are actively involved in their children's lives create an environment where children feel empowered to achieve their goals and dreams.

6. Discipline and Guidance: Fathers play a significant role in teaching their children about responsibility, accountability, and the consequences of their actions. Through consistent discipline and guidance, fathers help their children develop self-control and learn to make better choices. This foundation of discipline and guidance is essential for a child's moral development and success in life.

7. Physical Health: Fathers also contribute to their children's physical health by promoting an active lifestyle, participating in sports, and engaging in outdoor activities. Fathers who model a healthy lifestyle encourage their children to adopt similar habits, leading to improved physical well-being and a reduced risk of obesity and other health issues.

In conclusion, the importance of a father in a child's life cannot be overstated. Fathers provide emotional, cognitive, social, and moral support, shaping their children into well-rounded, confident, and successful individuals. The unique bond between a father and child is an essential component of healthy development and lasting happiness.

The true meaning of fatherhood is giving love and providing a nurturing role to one's child. The greatest example of this kind of role is the example of Jesus Christ who is the father of all Christians. Christ was the son of God and His mother Mary took care of him and later on, He became a part of the community of Christians and practiced what He taught by healing those who came to Him. The true definition of fatherhood is much deeper than simply providing for one's child.